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Yaourt Aux Fruits Et Noix

Holistic Bliss Acai Bowl 

Prep Time:

15 minutes

Cook Time:

0 minutes





About the Recipe

As a certified naturopath, I am delighted to present my meticulously crafted Holistic Bliss Acai Bowl—a symphony of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals carefully selected to tantalize your taste buds while optimizing your health and wellness, with a special emphasis on digestive wellness.


Benefits of the acai bowl: More than just a treat, my Holistic Bliss Acai Bowl is a nutritional powerhouse tailored to support specific aspects of your health and well-being.  Let's explore the health benefits of each thoughtfully chosen ingredient, showcasing the holistic advantages of this vibrant bowl.

The Power-Packed Ingredients:

1. Organic Acai Berries:

Let's start with 100g of organic acai berries. Rich in antioxidants (anthocyanins and polyphenols), these berries are recognized as real allies as they help fight oxidative stress while promoting cellular health. They are also abundant in essential fatty acids, which promote heart health and support cognitive functions.

2. Nutrient-Rich Fruits:

Next, let's add plenty of vitamins and nutrient-rich fruits, to boost our metabolism from the wee hours of the morning or at any time of day. Bananas are a good source of potassium, which promotes heart health and helps maintain a healthy acidity ratio. It also contains vitamin B6, known to help cognitive functions. Adding other berries to our bowl, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, also adds a powerful dose of vitamin C and antioxidants, helping to boost the immune system and collagen synthesis.

3. Almond Butter or Natural Almonds:

Almonds are known for providing heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Excellent sources of protein, they also support muscle health, while providing other essential nutrients such as magnesium and potassium.

4. Chia Seeds:

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds are known to promote heart health, reduce inflammation and support brain function. An excellent source of fiber, a tablespoon of chia seeds aids digestion and promotes a feeling of satiety, enabling us to better control hunger and mid-day snacking cravings.

5. Natural Sweeteners:

For a richer, slightly sweeter taste, we can add a tablespoon of honey to the mix, which provides natural antioxidants and has antibacterial properties to stimulate better immune health. A tablespoon of maple syrup can also be added, which contains manganese, known to support bone health and energy metabolism.

6. Fiber-Rich Mix Topping:

To enhance the flavor profile and add a nice garnish to the top of the bowl, you can use 1/4 cup gluten-free oats, which provide soluble fiber for better digestive health and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, a tablespoon of flaxseeds, which provides omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, promoting heart health and lowering cholesterol, and a tablespoon of shredded coconut, which adds dietary fiber and medium-chain triglycerides, supporting energy metabolism.

A Bowl Full of Life!

Elevate your breakfast ritual with my Holistic Bliss Acai Bowl - an embodiment of exquisite taste and tailor-made nutritional benefits. As a certified naturopath, I'm excited to share this recipe with you, which I'm particularly fond of not only because it promotes optimal health and digestive well-being, but also because it's easy to prepare and can be enjoyed literally any time of the day.

Embrace the goodness of tailored nutrition, one spoonful at a time, and embark on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant you! For more information about my holistic medicine services dedicated to sustaining your optimal vitality, and how to support your long-term optimal health, contact me today or book your first appointment here.

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  • 100g organic acai berries

  • 1/4 cup almond drink or milk of your choice

  • 1 banana

  • 1/2 cup mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)

  • 2 tbsp. almond butter or a few natural almonds

  • 1 tbsp. chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp. honey

  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup

  • 1/4 cup gluten-free rolled oats

  • 1 tbsp. flax seeds

  • 1 tbsp. shredded coconut

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Step 1

In a blender, blend the acai berries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries (ideally frozen for best consistency), with half the banana, milk, honey and maple syrup, to create a smooth, creamy base.

Step 2

Pour the mixture into two bowls and artfully arrange the rest of the ingredients: the other half of the sliced banana, the almond butter or almonds, the chia seeds and the fiber-rich mixture, to create a visually appealing bowl.

Step 3

Enjoy your bowl mindfully, reveling in the vibrant colors while benefiting from a full range of nutrients that contribute to your overall well-being.

Note: You can remove the honey and maple syrup if you prefer your bowl a little less sweet



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