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What is naturopathy ?

Each person is unique and has their own genetic constitution, health history, concerns and preferences. Your nutritional plan, physical activities and health products must also be unique and personalized to your own goals and lifestyle.

As a Naturopath, my role is not to treat disease, but rather to understand the causes of disease and work collaboratively with my clients to make them feel at their optimal well-being. Thus, my main objective is to help your body and mind regain a balance conducive to self-healing using various therapies and natural products.

What does D'Âme Nature offer?

D'Âme Nature is committed to offering you high-quality natural products and services, customized to your needs. Whether through personalized and group yoga classes or natural therapies such as bromatology (the scientific study of foods and their impact on the body), phytotherapy (therapeutic treatment based on plant extracts), luminotherapy (light therapy similar to sunlight) and aromatherapy (therapeutic use of essential oils), or by advising you on natural products and supplements to integrate into your daily routine, my goal remains the same: to improve your vitality and well-being, both physical and mental.

My services are offered online (by videoconference). As a member of the Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec (ANPQ), most Canadian health insurance plans cover some or all naturopathic fees. So, what are you waiting for to take the plunge towards your natural health?

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