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D'Âme Nature

Take care of your body so that your soul wants to live in it.

As a licensed Naturopath (ND), certified yoga teacher, and holistic health coach, I am driven by a passion for promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I am dedicated to guiding you towards optimal health through personalized, natural solutions tailored to your unique needs. While I do not treat diseases, my aim is to understand the factors disrupting your metabolic balance and help you enhance your overall health. Through high-quality services and advice on holistic health and natural products, I strive to support your journey to wellness.

Experience my services online from the comfort of your home. In Canada, naturopathic services are reimbursed by most medical insurance plans, making holistic care accessible and convenient for you. Embrace a healthier, more balanced life with expert guidance and personalized support.

produits de médecine chinoise

Products and Services

I offer an individualized approach in functional naturopathy to help you regain your balance, optimize your hormones, your digestion, your energy, your metabolism and your weight as well as your vitality.

Naturopathic Assessment

This first appointment makes it possible to target your needs thanks to analysis and reflection tools.

Naturopathic Follow-ups

Follow-up sessions include personalized nutrition tips and advice on natural products and therapies, building on the plan established from the assessment.

Yoga Teaching &

Well-being Coaching

Personalized or group yoga sessions and customized coaching to improve mindfulness, flexibility, strength and overall health.

Savon Naturel et Fleurs
fabrication de savons maison

Discover my collection of handmade organic products made from natural ingredients and mixed with essential oils specially chosen for their proven virtues.

Opening time

Lun - Ven : 15h - 21h (Heure de l'Est)
Sam : 10h - 17h (Heure de l'Est)
Dim : Fermé

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